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Life Chinese Every time

Baru snake firm At the age of 5, he lost his father * At the age of 16, she was stunned by the school * At the age of 17, lost four jobs * At the age of 18, she got married on the pitch * He became a father at the age of 19 * At the age of 20, his wife left him and took away the daughter * Joining the army and failing there * Joins the insurance company and there has not been any success * He went to kidnap his own daughter and even failed there * As a conductor of the railway line, he could not afford Finally, he took the job of Radhuni in one of the cafés * He retired at the age of 65. * Received a check for 105 dollars from the government on the first day of retirement. * He felt that life was worthless to him * He decided to commit suicide. * Then began to make a list of what he had achieved in his life under one tree. * Suddenly, he seems to have many things to do in life and he knows more about one thing than everyone else - the cottage industry * He borrowed $

Bagha Mosque

Bagha Mosque  situated at Bagha, about 40km southeast of Rajshahi town, survives in a fairly good state of preservation. The mosque was built on the western bank of a fairly large tank within a brick-walled compound, 48.77m square. The mosque compound could be entered by two old arched gateways - one on the north and the main one on the south comprising a simple oblong curved structure with a turret on either side. This brick-built mosque, now a protected monument of the Department of Archaeology, Bangladesh, is an oblong structure measuring externally about 23.16m by 12.80m. The four exterior angles of the building are emphasised with octagonal towers, divided into sections by moulded bands and topped over with polygonal solid cupolas. The cornice of the building is gently curved in the Bengali fashion. There are five arched openings in the east and two in both have the south and north sides. Inside the mosque there are three mihrabs at the western end of the three southe
prodip  the bast natural animals At the bottom, the crow leaves the pebbles in the house, and the water on the bottom ends up in the end. Nowadays crows and plastic bottles! And the tourists know that. The more people know about the animal's intelligence, the more surprising it is. From orangautang to birds or octopus, apparently all of them can solve the real and practical problems by not only applying intellectual intelligence. Again, people can create problems! One aspect of intelligence is inherent, another aspect is the ability to learn. The viral video of 2010 is called 'evergreen'. So far, more than 3 million people watched the video and watched more. There is nothing else, there is a tremendous difficulty, so he comes to the tourist buses and the plastic bottle placed by one of them - no, it is not possible to leak it with a lip, this intelligent baypatihi is probably very well known.  As it turns out, he is trying to convince the people that he got h